August Thoughts

I read the other day that August is the hottest month in Texas. It’s also the least humid. I think the humidity factoid was thrown in to soften the hottest month info.

I know this: We aren’t far from spontaneous combustion here in the Lone Star state. In fact, if a grass fire starts it’s tough to corral it.

Back in the day, we called these dog days because the best thing to do was what the dog did: crawl under the porch and lie as still as possible. With this in mind, I’m going to step away from my keyboard for August and lie as still as I can and see if inaction helps it get cooler.

Seriously, I am going to take a respite from placing articles in your Inbox for the month. Should something of note catch on fire, I’m still paying attention.

Meanwhile, keep your wits about you. You are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, a child of God, endowed with a new identity, and made a partaker of His nature. Although the world is bonkers, you are in fine shape.

If you are a donor to Lifetime—and I would love for all of you to join the financial team—I will be a month behind in getting out my thank you note. But come September, I’ll be back in the saddle.

Now, be confident. Hold your head high. Love your neighbor. Walk with your heavenly Father and don’t be discouraged by the mania around you. This is the environment for which you are prepared to shine.

Much love to you. See you shortly back here.