Now Would Be a Great Time


Now would be a great time to contact your pastor, your civic leader, your state leaders and national leaders. Now would be a great time to speak up. Why?

Because it just might be your last chance, our last chance, before America is led over a precipitous, societal cliff.

Hyperbole? Hysteria? Verbal theatrics?

The House passed the Equality Act. The proposed legislation now goes to the Senate where it is expected to pass in a partisan vote, just as it did in the House. President Biden anticipates signing it into law.

The act has an odd name, a misnomer. There is nothing equal about the bill-set-to-become law.

If the Equality Act is signed into law, which is currently anticipated, women's rights, religious rights, workplace rights, individual conscience rights, rights of the unborn, privacy rights, parental rights, medical practice rights, financial liberties, nonprofit rights (think churches, private schools, hospitals, homeless shelters…), gender rights, etc. all GO AWAY. That's right.

Check it out. (Click the underlined text and read the article that appears.)

Republican, Democrat, Independent. We are getting ready to step off of a societal cliff. Now would be a good time to speak up!

If not now, then when?

If this so-called Equality Act passes, they will have come for you.

I’ll write more later, but so you know: They have come for me. My Facebook exposure is being throttled, dramatically curtailed—between 75-90%. I’m also having trouble delivering my email messages to you.

My mail I can remedy. My presence on social media? No. I’m being silenced. The Facebook folks do not like my thoughts on abortion.

So, while I’ve posted my concerns at Facebook, few will see it. After you check through my links above and do your own investigation, please pass this email along. Copy and paste it to your Facebook. Copy this blog’s link from my website,, and paste that into your Facebook. The article will be under the “Blog” tab at the top of the page. Tweat if you have Twitter. Call your friends.

I believe this DC initiative is THIS critical.

LifePreston Gillham