
Of the seven deadly sins, pride is listed first and thought to be the sin from which all other sins germinate. Excessive belief in one’s own abilities is the definition.

Why is pride so sinful?

Because pride interferes with your recognition of God’s grace. Excessive pride, or hubris, sabotages grace.


John notes Jesus saying, “Apart from me you can do nothing.” If nothing is the baseline measurement, how much is excessive?

Clearly, excessive is any.

Any? As in, none?

Surely you can tie your shoes and make toast on your own. Yes, surely.

So, what is the excessive belief being measured?

The excess, the pride from which all sins sprout, isn’t what you do or don’t do. It’s the motive from which you take action.

What’s your attitude, the disposition from which you approach today, the default for how you manage yourself and your life?

The humble say, “Father God, I trust you today. Please live through me.”