Preston Gillham - Author

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Darkness, Part 3

On the evening of the seventh day with pneumonia, I stood alone at the kitchen sink with a new battery of medications. I read their labels and considered what the doctor told me their effects would be. My sleepless nights were over. I turned and stared through the dark dining room, into the darker living room, and even darker den and wept warm tears. I knew the medications would bring the sleep my body craved, but I also realized the treasure of the nights alone with Father was over for the time being. For the first night in six I would miss our rendezvous.

God often interdicts in order to invite us into His life. As He is prone to do, when He interrupts our timeliness with His timelessness, He returns benefits many times over by placing eternity in our souls to replace the routine of our days.

When was your last sleepless night? Was it filled with fear, doubt, dread, worry, panic; a temperamental and irritable morning after?

It may be Father desires to share the treasures of darkness with you in order to illuminate your heart and enlighten your soul. His sufficiency and the unquestionable sound of His voice in the night, calling your name, invite you to the light of His presence and the illumination of His life.