Preston Gillham - Author

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Falling Short in Life

Grace is a training ground sometimes run through tear-blurred eyes.  But in the end, it leaves your heart strong, your muscles toned, and your eyes clearly focused. Given this: Falling short of grace means falling short in life.

Falling short of the grace of God can mean opting for law, rules, and legislation instead of God's grace. In other words, performing for God in an effort to gain God's acceptance. You are only acceptable to God through the grace of God.

Falling short of grace can mean demanding a different road to travel than the one God has mapped out. It can mean turning back to the apparent resources of the world instead of depending upon the sufficiency of Christ to meet your needs. Relying upon your resources instead of allowing Christ to live His life through you is synonymous with falling short of grace.

Falling short of grace can mean establishing your own righteousness instead of accepting His. It can mean rejecting what He says about you because it doesn't match your experience.

Falling short of grace almost always involves opting for your definition of God instead of engaging Him in reciprocal relationship.

Falling short of grace means relying upon the flesh—your patterning for self-sufficiency—instead of living in the power of His Spirit.

Falling short is not an option. It wasn't an option when I was cleaning bricks and it isn't an option in living a life of grace.