Interview on "100 Huntley Street"

Yesterday I was on the set of "100 Huntley Street" discussing "No Mercy" with Jim Cantelon. Interviews can be dicey deals. If the host hasn't read the book, looked over the media packet, or isn't prepared the interview can be a high-speed run down a twisting, unfamiliar road. I've had plenty of those experiences—and a few times the interviewer and I have run off the cliff and accomplished nothing more than to fill airtime.

But not yesterday! Jim was not only prepared, he had read "No Mercy" and had dug deep into my biography. It is quite an honor to write something and have the opportunity to discuss it with someone who values the art, work, and message. You will see this in Jim—very noticeably, in fact.

After you have watched this clip, I'd ask that you pray for me please. While I am interactive with Jim, I'm tired, very tired. As you would suspect, life has not slowed down yet after Mom's passing and the Thanksgiving holiday. I don't regret the investment of my energy and life in joining my family to care for our folks, but the last months have clearly taken their toll. I need to tend to my health right away.

I want to write more--and I will soon--about my discussions with my Partner in the "No Mercy" project.

But today is not the day. Maybe after I get my head back above water. In the meantime, you can see that the message and story of "No Mercy" is engaging, even though the author is less than a compelling advocate. It was a privilege to sit across the table from Jim, and it was a joy to see that this book meant something special to a man who reviews books nearly every day.

Here is the video clip from "100 Huntley Street." Here is a link to the "No Mercy" page. And here is a link to purchase the book.