Is God Fair? (Part 2)

Job lived a godly life in order to convince himself and God that he was holy--in order to gain God’s favor as a reasonable and fair judge of his sincere effort. While Job accomplishes many laudable achievements, there are two problems with his approach:  First, good standing with God is not determined by what a man does. Second, God is not fair in the way we judge fairness. Job’s philosophy of life garnered great respect among his peers and earned him a lavish lifestyle. But when tested, his philosophy was found deficient for the demands of life in the dock.

How tempting it is to measure ourselves against others and draw conclusions about our value and standing with God upon that basis. It is equally enticing to quantify our worth by measuring our money and possessions. This is especially true when we are stressed and believe we deserve better.

When life is unraveling and we are not happy, it is tempting to declare, “This is not fair,” and directly or indirectly accuse God of not being honorable. Once this conclusion is drawn, we become vulnerable to disillusionment, dissatisfaction, and demoralization in the face of strenuous circumstances.

Friend, God’s opinion of you is neither enhanced nor devalued by what you do. Your right-standing with Him is based solely upon the finished work of your older brother, Jesus Christ, on the cross. Your task is to believe what He accomplished on your behalf and trust Him as your life whether in hard times or prosperity.

And in all candor, it is a good thing that God is not fair. If He were fair we would all be in hell. Neither is God safe and predictable, but He is just and good.

What is the lesson to be learned from Job’s testimony?

He concludes, “I have heard of You (i.e., God) with my ears, but now my eyes see You” (42:5 paraphrased). Maybe we should forget what we have heard about God and look full into the face of our Heavenly Father and ask that He reveal His heart to us as He truly is.