Prayer Tribe: Change of Season

In nature seasons change. Here we are at the beginning of Fall. In the course of our journey as a Prayer Tribe we are entering a new season as well. What has not changed is the importance of what we do. Father is shaping a sequel to No Mercy in Preston’s heart and Preston is gearing to put it on paper. Please spend time with Father and fellowship about this. Writing a book is akin to carrying a child and giving birth. There is pain, there is fatigue, there is a continual discomfort, there is a long list of tasks. There is need for space, strength and diligence.

In addition, Preston began posting weekly blogs. These are designed to mentor, encourage, teach those who have read the book and want to continue walking in what they have learned. Please continue to pray for the readers that they may read the book, appropriate the truths and share the book with their networks.

On the marketing front, the team is battling increased life and work responsibilities. Some days I wonder if satan’s strategy is to avalanche us with “good” things so that we miss the “excellent” ones. Please pray against this.

Our Tribe of about 90 people is strong and a force to be reckoned with. We are trusting not in our wisdom, strength or ingenuity but we are looking to Father. We have joined Him and I am excited to see where He would take us this Fall.

Be blessed in the new season,

Reny Madjarska Head Prayer Tribeswoman