Prayer Tribe: Pre-Birth

I fully anticipate that in a week or so you would get the announcement of the birth of No Mercy. But right now we are still in the delivery room. The process is currently going well, yet, we would be remiss to ease on prayer. While we all await eagerly, I am going to take the opportunity to share what No Mercy has meant to me, and ultimately why did I volunteer for the Head Prayer Tribeswoman position.

Among other things, No Mercy is about doubting God in midst of difficult circumstance and what transpires when a Believer makes unbelief his or her dwelling place. In the last two years I have found myself in difficult circumstance. More times than I care to admit I doubted God’s love, His care for me, and His willingness to deliver me. Just like the main character of No Mercy, I found myself in a pit of darkness, slowly edging towards the precipice of despair. As only a loving Heavenly Father would have it, with perfect timing He put in my hands an early manuscript of the book. I began to read and could not put it down. I would wake up at 4 a.m. without an alarm and would grab the book. God was speaking to me through No Mercy. He talked to me about my circumstances: He did not cause them, but was using them to draw me to His heart. Hearing Father through the book brought me renewed joy, determination to persevere, and hope that I will make it thought the hard times. After all, someone else had been there before me and had made it on the other side.

I know that there are many people in prolonged difficulties – financial, relational, professional, physical. These are the people that we need to pray for. Father wants to speak hope and life into their weary souls. Pray that nothing hinders their access to the book and life and freedom is multiplied in their lives.

Be blessed until the next time,

Reny Madjarska

Head Prayer Tribeswoman