Our Great Contribution

What greater contribution can we make to the world than to demonstrate through our lives—to Believers and non-believers—all that Christ accomplished on our behalf? There are many Believers, forgiven of their sins and en route to heaven, who live as if being indwelt by the Spirit of God is irrelevant here and now. The alternative is to live each day in His power.

Choosing to let the Spirit shine through our lives—this is our great contribution!

We can cast off this option as nonessential—to all our detriment. Or, we can actively embrace this option as essential—to all our benefit.

This is our contribution!

Does this call for us to boldly confront anyone and everyone with the message of Christ’s work? For some, this is reasonable. But for most of us, we are to meet the challenge of our greatest opportunity with a lifestyle that consistently demonstrates our reliance upon Christ’s life in us.

Living through His power the life-changing message of His finished work at the cross is indeed a great mission. But, this is your great contribution. This is the part you play. This is the way in which you influence your world.