Where Did P Go?

When Facebook emerged (2006-ish) I jumped aboard and began building my Facebook (FB).

Thousands of friends later, across multiple FB accounts, and several hundred posts, I’ve gone dark on this platform. Not by my choosing. This was done to me by FB.

What happened?

On January 20, 2021, following Mr. Biden’s inauguration as POTUS, I wrote an article of blessing for him and his administration. The archive of this article, and most of my writings, can be found at my website, which is my name followed by .com.  

On January 22, 2021, following executive orders by President Biden to aggressive expand and advance abortion in America, I wrote an article expressing my opposition as a conservative thinker and Christian minister. Boom!

My FB views and shares plummeted to less than .5% of normal—for anything I posted.

This throttling by FB rendered my FB inert, pointless—not worth my time to even post.

Later on, a friend with several thousand FB followers shared one of my articles to his FB. FB ruined his account as well, also rendering his account a pointless waste of time.

A few months ago, my wife mentioned my name as being her husband in an innocuous FB post. FB blocked her from posting. Only by cryptically letting her friends know who she was referring to was she able to get past the FB censors.

Thus, I have the dubious honor of being on FB’s list of those unwelcome on the platform.

Although squeezed into oblivion by FB, you can follow my writing via my website, www.PrestonGillham.com, and I humbly ask you to do so.  

You can subscribe/follow here: www.PrestonGillham.com/follow.

I would be honored to have you—all of you. Thanks. P

LeadershipPreston Gillham